The Town of Ashland City Fire Department is committed to serving The Town of Ashland City with the greatest level of life and property protection. We are committed to serve our community by preserving life, property and the environment through the efforts of a dedicated team of Career and Volunteer Firefighters. We will achieve this by providing excellent and compassionate service and an atmosphere that encourages innovation, professional development and diversity.
The Ashland City Fire Department is a progressive fire department which values our rich, traditional heritage. A combination fire department comprised of 9 career and 30+ part time & volunteer personnel, we offer an aggressive training program which includes sending our people from Phoenix, AZ. to Baltimore, MD for the most up-to-date training. Our firefighters train on an average of 250 hours per year, receiving some of the most advanced training available.
An automatic aid agreement, an agreement between two departments to automatically respond simultaneously to a structure fire in either district, between the Ashland City Fire Department and the Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department has expanded our abilities to combat structure fires more effectively and at the same time increases the safety of our firefighters. It is our hope that future automatic aid agreements will be reached with other neighboring fire departments to expand this positive, cooperative working relationship and better serve the citizens of our communities.
Although Ashland City Fire Department has always been lucky to have strong community support, since the tragic events of September 11, 2001 that support has increased. This has given us an opportunity to better educate the public about what we do and dispell the myths of old that firefighters just sit around at the fire hall all day waiting on a call. We are very proud of our involvement in the community and continue to strive to be the best fire department we can possibly be. Continued support from our city and citizens, as well as our volunteers, will insure our success in achieving this goal.
Our motto, “We’re Quick, We’re Trained, We’re Nice”, embodies our attitude here. If you’re in the neighborhood, drop by and visit us. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and show you around!
Ashland City Fire Department’s career firefighters all came from the volunteer staff, insuring a positive and cooperative relationship between the two.
We are lucky to have a great support system which includes our Mayor, City Council, and Community. Due to this support we have been able to obtain the most modern, state-of-the-art equipment, enabling us to better serve our citizens and recruit volunteers.