Fire prevention is a function of many fire departments. The goal of fire prevention is to educate the public to take precautions to prevent potentially harmful fires, and be educated about surviving them. It is a proactive method of reducing emergencies and the damage caused by them.

While we focus on fire prevention during all the month of October, we strive to make a difference in the public all year long.

We educate in all schools Pre-K through 12th grade at Ashland City Elementary, Cheatham Middle and Cheatham High Schools

We work with Tennessee’s State Fire Marshal office as well as guidance from FEMA‘s U.S. Fire Administration, the National Fire Sprinkler Association, the National Fire Protection Association, and several other organizations.

How We Educate the Public:

  • Classroom Presentations
  • Sprinkler Room Demostrations
  • Event Booths
  • Child Car Seat Checks & Installations
  • CPR/First Aid Courses
  • Station Tours
  • Fire Extinguisher Training
  • Smoke Alarm Checks & Installations
  • Fire Safety House Trailer Tours
  • State Safety Campaigns


Prevention Links:


If you do not already have working smoke alarms, or if they are over 10 years old, and you reside on the property where you are requesting the smoke alarms to be installed, please complete the Smoke Alarm Request form or call 615.792.4531

Child Car Seats

Ashland City Fire Department is able to check or install a child car seat as a service to you. The department is also fortunate to provide child car seats to those in need on a limited basis. Please connect with Ms Tracey Knack at 615.792.4531.